For me, writing is a labor of love, much like planting a garden. I have to work at it, put time into it, cultivate it until it blooms and then make sure I care for it as it grows. As in a garden, my writing changes with the seasons. I write technical analysis for computer courses, insight on consumer preferences for a marketing class, a love letter, a quick note to encourage my roommate as she prepares for the GRE... Each type of writing is a different flower or plant in my garden. Some are sweet smelling and vibrantly colored, while others have purpose outside their sensory appeal by bearing fruit. Some are hearty and return every year as I have written them over and over and over again. Others, however, are fragile, temperamental blooms. I haven't planted them before and I'm not so sure they'll thrive in my garden.
As I continue to cultivate my garden and try different blooms, I'll see which ones will flourish and which ones need extra tending to continue to grow. In my writing garden, I don't feel like I have the greenest thumb, but I do the best I can!
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